IBTech® collaborated with the Institute of Engineering of the UNAM (II-UNAM) in the project called "Evaluation of the physical and operating conditions of municipal wastewater treatment plants with a capacity of less than 100 L/s and formulation of the strategies to optimize its operation" for the National Water Commission (CONAGUA).
The project consisted in visiting a sample of 234 WWTP nationwide to carry out a technical diagnosis about the state of preservation of their facilities as well as the suitability of the process and technologies used in the treatment plants. Additionally, both in the influent and in the effluent, physiochemical parameters were evaluated to corroborate on site, compliance with Mexican regulations for discharge and/or water reuse.
For the case of processes like: activated sludges, facultative lagoons and oxidation ditches, the parameters dissolved oxygen, oxide-reduction potential and suspended volatiles solids were determined for further evaluation.
Development of a format to collet the information related to the plant facilities and their process.
Development of a general evaluation matrix (MEG in spanish) which granted a score on a scale of 0 to 100, based on the information collected on site.
Elaboration of a process simulator to corroborate the convenience and sufficiency of the design in accordance with the original design criteria and the current situation. The above, based on the reported dimensions (those obtained on site contrasted with those provided in dimensional drawings).